Cleary 3336F Systemic Fungicide 32 oz.

Cleary 3336 F
Clearys 3336 F Turf and Ornamental Fungicide with thiophanate methyl is a systemic fungicide for the prevention and control of turf and ornamental diseases.

This systemic fungicide can both prevent and control listed plant diseases.

Cleary 3336 F Uses
It can be used on residential lawns, golf courses, commercial lawns, sod farms, greenhouses, nurseries and interiorscapes. It may be applied as a soil drench, dip or foliar spray. Cleary 3336 F may be used on a wide variety of turf and ornamental diseases. These diseases include, Brown Patch, Anthracnose, Dollar Spot, Leaf Spot, Gray Leaf spot, Red Thread, Rust, Snow Mold, Pink Snow Mold, Fusarium, Smut, Summer Patch, Take-All Patch, Necrotic Ring Spot, Crown and Root Rots, Blights, Bermudagrass decline, and more.