Superthrive has been kickin butt since it won the only science and industry gold medal known to have been awarded at any official world's fair in 1940. Superthrive today is still unchallenged in its effective use as a plant stimulant, containing 50 vitamins and hormones necessary for healthy plant growth.
Superthrive is NOT a plant food, but should be used in conjunction with a good fertilizing regimen. It is used for plant heath and maintenance, stress reducer in transplanting and increasing flower blooms, fruit and vegetable production.
Superthrive can be used every time you water your plants at a ratio of 1/4 tsp. per gallon, this stuff goes a long way.
Its uses are endless and most important it is completely ORGANIC in nature. Popular in Hydroponics, orchards, field crops, lawn care, seed germination. Gardeners can benefit by healthier fruit and vegetables, as well as flowers and landscape plants.
Uses include transplanting, reviving, and general strengthening of growth of trees and other plants.
The SUPERthrive product has many adherents, not only professional horticulturalists, but, according to its packaging: "US Departments of Agriculture, Army, Navy; states, cities, counties, universities."
SUPERthrive was developed by Dr. John A. A. Thomson, now 97 years old and reportedly still at work. In 2006, he was the first chemist to receive the National Lawn & Garden Marketing & Distribution Association's Lifetime Achievement Award.