Amine 400 Weed Killer 2,4-D Gallon

Gordons Amine 400 Weed Killer - Contains 2, 4-D (Amine) with a low to moderate volatization potential. Water-based. Major use sites include corn, small grains, grass seed crops, lawns, roadsides, drainage ditchbanks, fencerows, and more. Can be applied with aerial, ground, or hand held equipment. Controls broadleaf weeds including cocklebur, thistle, bindweed, and other nuisance weeds. - Size: 1 Qt., Concentrate Or Ready To Use: Ready To Use, Coverage Area: Varies According To Application, Active Ingredient: 2, 4-D (Amine)

Controls common broadleaf weeds including: Cocklebur, Thistle, Bindweed & other nuisance weeds
Used in pastures, rangelands, corn, sorghum, wheat and barley fields
Plus lawns, roadsides, drainage ditches, railroads, fence rows and more
One Quart Amine 400 ~ 2, 4-D