Acclaim Extra Turf & Ornamental Herbicide - 1 Pint (16 oz.)

Acclaim Extra is a selective post-emergence herbicide that controls annual and perennial grasses in turf. A systematic herbicide that works in a single treatment, Acclaim is one of the only post-emergence herbicides that can control crabgrass and goosegrass effectively with good tolerance on desirable turf. 

Acclaim Extra Herbicide is a water emulsion formulation containing 0.57 pound of active ingredient per gallon. Acclaim Extra Herbicide is used for postemergence control of annual grass weeds and suppression of some perennial grass weeds in established turfgrass and ornamental species. Acclaim Extra Herbicide does not control broad-leaf weeds or sedges.

Acclaim Extra Herbicide is absorbed through the foliage. Thorough coverage is important. Visual injury on the grass weed is evident approximately 4 to 10 days after application (dependent upon environmental conditions) but control of the grass weeds will take 12 to 21 days. Visible effects begin as a chlorosis (yellowing) and/or reddening of the leaf surface followed by death of the weed.

Acclaim Extra is absorbed primarily through foliage. It’s most effective during periods of active weed growth, and is rainfast about one hour after drying. Susceptible weeds stop growing, turn red or purple, then die within one week.

